
Grades 9-12

UNAIDS Lesson Plans:

Looking into AIDS
Feelings on HIV/AIDS
Basic Knowledge on HIV/AIDS/STD
HIV/STD/AIDS, What do they Mean?

CNN Lessons (Lesson Plan with News article):

South Africa's AIDS epidemic; "A haven for AIDS homeless"

AIDS in Africa;"AIDS drug battle ends, clears way for cheaper treatment"

AIDS child activist dies; "Mandela honors AIDS child activist"

New York Times Lessons (Lesson Plan with News Article):

Gazing Into the Faces of AIDS Creating Public Service Announcements to Help Educate Others about the AIDS Epidemic; "Voices of an Epidemic: One Disease, Lived Six Different Ways"

Risky Business; Exploring Adolescents' Concerns About Contracting and Testing for H.I.V.; "Young People Say Yes to HIV Tests"

Subsidized HIV Treatments: Diamonds in the Rough?
Examining Health Care and AIDS Management in Africa; "Free AIDS Care Brings Hope to Botswana"

Solutions or Impossibilities? HIV Prevention for African Children; "Breast-Feeding and HIV: Weighing Health Risks and Treatment Costs"

Understanding the Motivation Behind Drug Abuse Behaviors that Put People at Risk for Contracting HIV;"Heroin Carries AIDS to a Region in Siberia"

School Health Education to Prevent AIDS
and STD: A Resource Package for
Curriculum Planners


Includes full text of: Students' Activities, Teachers' Guide and the Handbook for Curriculum Planners.