Khan Academy on a Stick
Independent and dependent events
Introduction to probability. Independent and dependent events. Compound events. Mutual exclusive events. Addition rule for probability.
Basic Probability
ccAn introduction to probability
Example: Marbles from a bag
ccThe probability of picking a yellow marble from a bag.
Example: Picking a non-blue marble
ccExample of figuring out the probability of picking a non-blue marble from a bag.
Example: Picking a yellow marble
ccWorking out the probability of pulling a yellow marble from a bag of multi-colored marbles.
Basic probability
Can I pick a red frog out of a bag that only contains marbles? Is it smart to buy a lottery ticket? Even if we are unsure about whether something will happen, can we start to be mathematical about the "chances" of an event (essentially realizing that some things are more likely than others). This tutorial will introduce us to the tools that allow us to think about random events.
Probability with Playing Cards and Venn Diagrams
ccProbability of compound events. The Addition Rule. Common Core Standard 457 S-CP.7
Addition Rule for Probability
ccVenn diagrams and the addition rule for probability
Venn diagrams and adding probabilities
What is the probability of getting a diamond or an ace from a deck of cards? Well I could get a diamond that is not an ace, an ace that is not a diamond, or the ace of diamonds. This tutorial helps us think these types of situations through a bit better (especially with the help of our good friend, the Venn diagram).
Compound Probability of Independent Events
ccProbability of particular sequences of flips
Getting At Least One Heads
ccProbability of getting at least one heads in multiple flips of a fair coin
Example: Probability of rolling doubles
ccThinking about the probability of rolling doubles on a pair of dice
LeBron Asks: What are the chances of making 10 free throws in a row?
ccLeBron James asks Sal how to determine the probability of making 10 free throws in a row
LeBron Asks: What are the chances of three free throws versus one three pointer?
ccLeBron James asks Sal Khan if it is easier to make three free throws or one three-pointer.
Frequency Probability and Unfair Coins
ccA different way of thinking about probability when we don't have equally likely events
Example: Getting two questions right on an exam
ccProbability of two independent events occuring.
Example: Rolling even three times
ccAnother example showing the probability of rolling an even number three times in a row.
Frequency Stability
ccWhat is the difference between a coin flip and a blind guess?
Compound, independent events
What is the probability of making three free throws in a row (LeBron literally asks this in this tutorial). In this tutorial, we'll explore compound events happening where the probability of one event is not dependent on the outcome of another (compound, independent, events).
Introduction to dependent probability
ccDeciding whether you want to play a game at a strange casino.
Example: Dependent probability
ccThinking about how the probability of an event can be dependent on another event occuring.
Example: Is an event independent or dependent?
ccIndependent Events 1
Example: Bag of unfair coins
ccExample where the probability of an outcome is dependent on which coin you happen to pick
Monty Hall Problem
ccPresentation and analysis of the famous Monty Hall Problem
Dependent probability
What's the probability of picking two "e" from the bag in scrabble (assuming that I don't replace the tiles). Well, the probability of picking an 'e' on your second try depends on what happened in the first (if you picked an 'e' the first time around, then there is one less 'e' in the bag). This is just one of many, many type of scenarios involving dependent probability.
Basic set operations
Whether you are learning computer science, logic, or probability (or a bunch of other things), it can be very, very useful to have this "set" of skills. From what a set is to how we can operate on them, this tutorial will have you familiar with the basics of sets!
Probability (part 1)
ccWhat probability is.
Probability (part 2)
ccLet's flip a coin.
Probability (part 3)
ccMore on probability.
Probability (part 4)
ccMore on free throws.
Probability (part 5)
ccProbability of getting a certain number roll in Monopoly
Probability (part 6)
ccIntroduction to conditional probability
Probability (part 7)
ccMore on conditional probability. Touch on Bayes' Theorem.
Probability (part 8)
ccIntroduction to Bayes' Theorem
Introduction to Random Variables
ccIntroduction to random variables and probability distribution functions.
Old school probability (very optional)
Sal's old videos on probability. Covered better in other tutorials but here because some people actually like these better.