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Alternative Names Return to top
HemorrhoidectomyDefinition Return to top
Hemorrhoid surgery is the removal of swollen veins around the anus (hemorrhoids). Hemorrhoids can be inside or outside of the skin around the rectum.
Description Return to top
Hemorrhoids can be surgically removed using a special stapler or sutures (stiches). You may be sedated and pain-free (local or spinal anesthesia) or asleep and pain-free (general anesthesia). After the hemorrhoid is removed, you may have stitches that dissolve on their own and gauze packing to reduce bleeding.
Smaller hemorrhoids may not need surgery. These procedures are often done in an outpatient clinic or your doctor’s office, with minimal or no anesthesia.
To treat your hemorrhoids, your doctor may:
Why the Procedure is Performed Return to top
Your doctor may recommend hemorrhoid removal when nonsurgical treatment (such as a high-fiber diet, laxatives, stool softener, suppositories, medications, and warm baths) do not make your symptoms go away.
Typical symptoms are:
Risks Return to top
Risks for any surgery are:
Risks for any anesthesia are:
Before the Procedure Return to top
Always tell your doctor or nurse:
Several days before surgery, you may be asked to stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn), warfarin (Coumadin), and any other drugs that make it hard for your blood to clot.
On the day of the surgery:
After the Procedure Return to top
You may have a lot of pain after surgery as the anus tightens and relaxes. You may be given medications to relieve pain.
To avoid straining, you will use stool softeners. Avoid any straining during bowel movement or urination. Eat more fiber to ease bowel movements. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
Gradually return to your normal activities. Avoid lifting, pulling, or strenuous activity until your bottom has healed.
Soaking in a warm bath can give you additional comfort. You may be given a container to give yourself “sitz baths” (sitting in 3 to 4 inches of warm water) a few times a day.
You should have complete recovery in about 2 weeks.
Outlook (Prognosis) Return to top
The outcome is usually very good for most people. Eating a high-fiber diet, and avoiding constipation may help to prevent hemorrhoids from coming back. However, you may still develop new hemorrhoids.
References Return to top
Nelson H, Cima RR. Anus. In: Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL, eds. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2008:chap 51.
Update Date: 2/26/2009 Updated by: James Lee, M.D., Department of Surgery, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY. Review Provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.