File:WTC-Fireman requests 10 more colleagesa.jpg

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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 11 September 2009. It was captioned as follows: English: A New York City fireman calls for 10 more rescue workers to make their way into the rubble of the World Trade Centre.
Other languages:
Bosanski: Njujorški vatrogasac traži još 10 spasilaca da naprave put u ruševine Svjetskog trgovinskog centra.
Česky: Newyorský hasič žádá o deset dalších záchranářů k prohledávání trosek budovy World Trade Centre
Dansk: En brandmand fra New York anmoder om 10 redningsarbejdere mere i ruinerne af World Trade Centre.
Deutsch: Ein New Yorker Feuerwehrmann ruft nach 10 weiteren Bergungshelfern, die sich in die Trümmer des World Trade Centers begeben sollen.
English: A New York City fireman calls for 10 more rescue workers to make their way into the rubble of the World Trade Centre.
Español: Un bombero de la ciudad de Nueva York solicita otros diez socorristas para rescatar a una víctima de la masacre del World Trade Centre.
Français : Légende originale rédigée par la marine américaine : « Un pompier demande 10 secouristes supplémentaire pour l'aider dans les gravats du World Trade Centre à New York. » Image prise le 15 septembre 2001.
Magyar: Egy New york-i tűzoltó még 10 munkást keres, hogy a World Trade Centre törmelékei között utat csináljon.
Italiano: Un vigile del fuoco della città di New York chiama altri dieci soccorritori per scavare tra le macerie del World Trade Centre. Immagine ripresa il 15 settembre 2001.
日本語: ニューヨーク市消防隊員は、ワールドトレードセンタービルの瓦礫へと向かうために、さらに10名以上のレスキュー隊員を呼んでいる。
한국어: 세계 무역 센터의 잔해 속으로 진입하기 위해 뉴욕 시 소방관이 구호 작업자 10명을 요청하고 있는 모습.
Македонски: Њујоршки пожарникар повикува уште десет спасители за да се пробијат низ урнатините на Светскиот трговски центар
Nederlands: een brandweerman van de FDNY (New York City Fire Department) roept nog 10 reddingswerkers om te komen helpen in de puinhopen van het door terroristische aanslagen ingestorte World Trade Centre
Polski: Nowojorski strażak nawołujący kolejnych dziesięciu ratowników, by przedostali się w ruiny World Trade Centre.
Português: Um bombeiro de Nova Iorque solicita mais dez socorristas para trabalharem junto aos escombros do World Trade Centre.
Русский: Нью-Йоркский пожарный требует ещё 10 спасателей, чтобы проложить путь в руинах Всемирного торгового центра
中文(简体): 一位纽约消防员呼唤10个其他救援人员,进入 世界贸易中心的废墟中。
中文(繁體): 一位紐約消防員呼喚10個其他救援人員,進入 世界貿易中心的廢墟中。
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Deutsch: Dieses Bild war 2010 in der 36. Kalenderwoche das Bild der Woche in der Maleisischen Wikipedia
English: This image was selected as a picture of the week on the Malay Wikipedia for the 36th week, 2010.
Македонски: Оваа слика е избрана за слика на неделата на малезиската Википедија за XXXVI недела од 2010 година.
മലയാളം: മലയ് വിക്കിപീഡിയയിൽ ഈ ചിത്രം ഈ ആഴ്ചയിലെ ചിത്രമായി 2010-ലെ വാരം 36-ൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്തിട്ടുണ്ട്.
Bahasa Melayu: Imej ini merupakan gambar pilihan mingguan di Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu untuk minggu ke-36, 2010.
Français : Cette image est sélectionnée en tant qu' image de la semaine sur la Wikipédia Malaisienne pour la 36ème semaine de 2010.
Nederlands: Deze afbeelding is gekozen als afbeelding van de week op de Maleisische Wikipedia voor week 36 van 2010.
Русский: Эта иллюстрация была выбрана изображением недели в малайском разделе «Википедии» для недели номер 36 2010 года.
Svenska: Denna bild är utvald till veckans bild på Wikipedia på malajiska, vecka 36, 2010.
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Česky: Newyorský hasič žádá o dalších deset pomocníků při prohledávání trosek World Trade Centre po teroristické útocích 11. září 2001
English: A New York City fireman calls for 10 more rescue workers to make their way into the rubble of the World Trade Centre (Text by U.S. Navy)
Español: Un bombero de la Ciudad de Nueva York llama a 10 rescatistas más en las ruinas del World Trade Centre (Descripción de Marina de U.S; traducida al español)
Deutsch: Übersetzung der von der US Navy veröffentlichten Englischen Bildunterschrift: Ein New Yorker Feuerwehrmann fordert 10 weitere Bergungshelfer an, damit sie sich durch die Trümmer des Wold Trade Centre kämpfen.
Français : Traduction de la légende originale rédigée par la marine américaine : « Un pompier demande 10 secouristes supplémentaires pour l'aider dans les gravats du World Trade Centre à New York. » Image prise le 15 septembre 2001.
Gaeilge: Glaoigh oifigeach dóiteáin as Nua-Eabhrac chun deichnúir oibrí tarrthála eile chun obair sa spallaí an World Trade Centre (Téacs as Cabhlach S.A)
עברית: כבאי ניו יורקי קורא לעזרה של עוד 10 מחלצים שיבואו לסייע בחורבות של מרכז הסחר העולמי.
Italiano: Un vigile del fuoco della città di New York chiama altri dieci soccorritori per salvare altre vittime tra le macerie del World Trade Centre (Testo dell'U.S. Navy).
Polski: Nowojorski strażak nawołujący kolejnych dziesięciu ratowników, by przedostali się w ruiny World Trade Centre.
Română: Un pompier newyorkez cere încă 10 oameni de la descarcerare să-şi facă loc printre ruinele World Trade Centre.
Русский: Нью-йоркский пожарный вызывает ещё 10 спасателей для расчистки развалин Всемирного торгового центра.
中文: 一位紐約市消防員呼叫十名救援工作者以拓開進入世貿中心大廈殘骸的路。
Date | 15 September 2001 |
Source | http://www.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=131 (010914-N-3995K-015.jpg) |
Author | U.S. Navy Photo by Journalist 1st Class Preston Keres |
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This Image was released by the United States Navy with the ID 010914-N-3995K-015 (next).
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Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |
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This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code. See Copyright. Note: This only applies to original works of the Federal Government and not to the work of any individual U.S. state, territory, commonwealth, county, municipality, or any other subdivision. This template also does not apply to postage stamp designs published by the United States Postal Service since 1978. (See 206.02(b) of Compendium II: Copyright Office Practices). It also does not apply to certain US coins; see The US Mint Terms of Use. |
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File usage
Image title | 010915-N-3995K-015 New York, N.Y. (Sept. 15, 2001) -- A New York City fireman calls for 10 more rescue workers to make their way into the rubble of the World Trade Centre. U.S. Navy Photo by Journalist 1st Class Preston Keres. (RELEASED) |
Camera manufacturer | NIKON CORPORATION |
Camera model | NIKON D1X |
Author | Preston Keres |
Exposure time | 1/500 sec (0.002) |
F-number | f/8.5 |
Date and time of data generation | 23:26, 14 September 2001 |
Lens focal length | 24 mm |
Orientation | Normal |
Horizontal resolution | 300 dpi |
Vertical resolution | 300 dpi |
Software used | Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows |
File change date and time | 12:00, 18 February 2008 |
Y and C positioning | Co-sited |
Exposure Program | Aperture priority |
Exif version | 2.1 |
Date and time of digitizing | 23:26, 14 September 2001 |
Image compression mode | 4 |
Exposure bias | 0 |
Maximum land aperture | 3 APEX (f/2.83) |
Metering mode | Pattern |
DateTime subseconds | 26 |
DateTimeOriginal subseconds | 26 |
DateTimeDigitized subseconds | 26 |
Colour space | sRGB |
Sensing method | One-chip colour area sensor |
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