File:Schoolgirls in Bamozai.JPG

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Description |
Deutsch: Schülerinnen in der Mädchenabteilung einer Schule in der afghanischen Provinz Paktia. Die Schule besitzt kein Gebäude, daher wird der Unterricht im Freien gehalten.
English: Schoolgirls sit in the girls' section of a school in Bamozai, near Gardez, Paktya Province, Afghanistan. The school has no building; classes are held outdoors in the shade of an orchard.
Français : Des écolières de la section pour filles de l’école de Bamozai, près de Gardêz, dans la province de Paktya en Afghanistan. L'école n'a pas de bâtiment, les cours se font à l’ombre d'un verger.
Italiano: Una classe di bambini della scuola di Bamozai, un villaggio nelle vicinanze di Gardez (provincia di Paktia, Afghanistan). Nel villaggio non esiste un edificio scolastico e le lezioni vengono tenute all'aperto, all'ombra di un frutteto.
Македонски: Ученички во Бамозај, Авганистан. Училиштето нема простории, туку наставата се одвива надвор, во ладот на еден овоштарник.
Tiếng Việt: Những học sinh trong một lớp học ngoài trời ở Bamozai, gần Gardez, tỉnh Paktya, Afghanistan
فارسی: دختران دانشآموز در قسمت دخترانه دبستانی در ولایت پکتیای افغانستان نشستهاند. مدرسه ساختمانی ندارد و کلاسها در فضای باز و زیر سایه درختان تشکیل میشود.
Date | 27 August 2007 |
Source | Own work |
Author | Capt. John Severns |
Camera location |
33° 33′ 39.90″ N, 69° 16′ 19.10″ E |
This and other images at their locations on: Google Maps - Google Earth - OpenStreetMap | ( Info)33.561083333333;69.271972222222 |
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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 4 May 2010. It was captioned as follows: English: Schoolgirls sit in the girls' section of a school in Bamozai, near Gardez, Paktya Province, Afghanistan. The school has no building; classes are held outdoors in the shade of an orchard.
Other languages:
Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Школьніцы ў жаночай частцы школы ў Бамазай, каля Гардэз, Афганістан. Школа ня мае будынку, заняткі праводзяцца на вуліцы.
Česky: Sedící školačky v dívčí části školy v afghánské provincii Paktíja; škola nedisponuje žádnou budovou, výuka probíhá venku
Dansk: Skolepiger sidder i skolens pigeafdeling i Bamozai, nær Gardez i Paktia-provinsen i Afghanistan. Der er ingen skolebygning, så undervisningen foregår udendørs i skyggen af et træ.
Deutsch: Schülerinnen in der Mädchenabteilung einer Schule in der afghanischen Provinz Paktia. Die Schule besitzt kein Gebäude, daher wird der Unterricht im Freien gehalten.
English: Schoolgirls sit in the girls' section of a school in Bamozai, near Gardez, Paktya Province, Afghanistan. The school has no building; classes are held outdoors in the shade of an orchard.
Esperanto: Colegialas sentadas en la sección femenina de una escuela de Bamozai, cerca de Gardez, provincia de Paktya, Afganistán. La escuela no tiene edificios: las clases se imparten al aire libre, a la sombra de un árbol
Español: Alumnas sentadas en la sección femenina de una escuela en Bamozai, cerca de Gardez, provincia de Paktya, Afganistán. La escuela no tiene edificio: las clases se dan al aire libre, a la sombra de un huerto.
Français : Des écolières de la section pour filles de l’école de Bamozai, près de Gardêz, dans la province de Paktya en Afghanistan. L'école n'a pas de bâtiment, les cours se font à l’ombre d'un verger.
Magyar: Iskolások az afganisztáni Bamozai faluban. A faluban nincs iskolaépület; az órát egy fa árnyékában tartják
Italiano: Una classe di bambini della scuola di Bamozai, un villaggio nelle vicinanze di Gardez (provincia di Paktia, Afghanistan). Nel villaggio non esiste un edificio scolastico e le lezioni vengono tenute all'aperto, all'ombra di un frutteto
日本語: アフガニスタン、 パクティーカー州ガルデーズ近郊バモザイの学校で、女子クラスの子供たちが授業を受ける。この学校に建物はなく、授業は木陰で行われている。
한국어: 아프가니스탄 팍티야 주, 가르데즈 시 근방에 있는 바모자이의 한 학교의 여자 구역에 여학생들이 앉아있다. 이 학교는 건물이 없어, 과수원의 그늘에서 수업이 진행된다.
Македонски: Ученички во Бамозај, Авганистан. Училиштето нема простории, туку наставата се одвива надвор, во ладот на еден овоштарник.
Norsk bokmål: En skoleklasse i Bamozai, nær Gardez i Paktyaprovinsen, Afghanistan. Skolen har ingen bygning; leksjonene holdes utendørs i skyggen av et tre.
Nederlands: Schoolmeisjes zittend in het gedeelte voor meisjes van een school in het dorp Bamozai nabij de stad Gardez in de Oost-Afghaanse provincie Paktia. De school heeft geen eigen gebouw en de lessen worden daarom buiten gehouden, in de schaduw van een boomgaard.
Polski: Dziewczynki podczas lekcji w szkole w Bamozai koło Gardez, prowincja Paktija, Afganistan. Szkoła nie ma budynku. Lekcje odbywają się pod gołym niebem.
Русский: Школьницы в классе для девочек в школе в Бамозаи, провинция Пактия, Афганистан. У школы нет здания, занятия проводятся в саду.
Svenska: Skolflickor som sitter i flickornas del av en skola i Bamozai, nära Gardez i Paktyaprovinsen, Afghanistan. Skolan har ingen byggnad; lektionerna hålls utomhus i skuggan av ett träd.
Tiếng Việt: Các học sinh nữ đang dự một lớp học dành cho nữ tại một ngôi trường ở Bamozai, gần Gardez, tỉnh Paktya, Afghanistan. Ngôi trường này không có lớp học; những buổi học phải tổ chức ngoài trời dưới tán cây.
中文(简体): 阿富汗帕克蒂亚省加德兹附近巴莫扎伊的一所学校里的女孩。该学校没有建筑,教室就在果园的树荫下。
中文(繁體): 阿富汗 帕克蒂亞省加德茲附近巴莫扎伊的一所學校裡的女孩。該學校沒有建築,教室就在果園的樹蔭下。
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |
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This image or file is a work of a U.S. Air Force Airman or employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image or file is in the public domain.
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Personality rights warning |
File usage
Camera manufacturer | NIKON CORPORATION |
Camera model | NIKON D50 |
Exposure time | 1/200 sec (0.005) |
F-number | f/7.1 |
ISO speed rating | 200 |
Date and time of data generation | 15:16, 27 August 2007 |
Lens focal length | 50 mm |
Horizontal resolution | 240 dpi |
Vertical resolution | 240 dpi |
Software used | Ver.1.00 |
File change date and time | 11:49, 31 December 2009 |
Exposure Program | Normal program |
Exif version | 2.21 |
Date and time of digitizing | 11:16, 27 August 2007 |
Shutter speed | 7.643856 |
APEX aperture | 5.655638 |
Exposure bias | 0 |
Maximum land aperture | 1.6 APEX (f/1.74) |
Subject distance | 4.22 meters |
Metering mode | Pattern |
Light source | Unknown |
Flash | Flash did not fire |
DateTimeDigitized subseconds | 60 |
Sensing method | One-chip colour area sensor |
Custom image processing | Normal process |
Exposure mode | Auto exposure |
White balance | Auto white balance |
Digital zoom ratio | 1 |
Focal length in 35 mm film | 75 mm |
Scene capture type | Standard |
Contrast | Soft |
Saturation | Normal |
Sharpness | Normal |
Subject distance range | Unknown |
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