File:Humanitarian aid OCPA-2005-10-28-090517a.jpg

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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 9 May 2007. It was captioned as follows: English: U.S. Army Sergeant Kornelia Rachwal gives a young Pakistani girl a drink of water.
Other languages:
Беларуская: Сяржант арміі ЗША Карнелія Рэчвэл поіць вадой пакістанскую дзяўчынку.
Česky: Seržantka armády USA podává pití pákistánské dívce
Deutsch: U.S. Army Sergeant Kornelia Rachwal gibt einem jungen pakistanischen Mädchen zu trinken.
English: U.S. Army Sergeant Kornelia Rachwal gives a young Pakistani girl a drink of water.
Esperanto: La Serĝentino Kornelia Rachwal de Usona Armeo donas akvon al juna pakistananino
Español: La Sargento Kornelia Rachwal, de la Armada de los Estados Unidos, dando agua a una niña pakistaní.
Français : Le sergent Kornelia Rachwal de l' armée américaine donne à boire à une jeune pakistanaise.
Magyar: Kornelia Rachwal, az amerikai hadsereg őrmestere inni ad egy pakisztáni kislánynak
Italiano: Il sergente Kornelia Rachwal dell' US Army dà dell'acqua a una giovane pakistana.
日本語: パキスタンの少女に水を与える、 アメリカ陸軍コルネリア・ラフバル (Kornelia Rachwal) 軍曹。
Nederlands: Sergeant Kornelia Rachwal uit het Amerikaanse leger geeft een jong Pakistaans meisje wat water.
Polski: Sierżant Armii Stanów Zjednoczonych Kornelia Rachwal podaje wodę młodej pakistańskiej dziewczynce.
Português: A sargenta Kornelia Rachwal do exército dos EUA dá a uma jovem paquistanesa, um pouco de água.
Русский: Сержант армии США Корнелия Рачвал даёт глоток воды пакистанской девочке.
Slovenčina: Seržantka armády USA podáva pitie pakistanskému dievčaťu.
Српски / srpski: Водник америчке армије Корнелија Рашвал даје воду пакистанској девојчици.
Svenska: Sergeant Kornelia Rachwal från USAs armé ger vatten till en pakistansk flicka.
Türkçe: Birleşmiş Milletler Ordusu'ndan Sergeant Kornelia Rachwal Pakistanlı kıza su içirirken.
中文(简体): 美国陆军中士克奈里娅·拉齐瓦尔为乘坐美军直升机的 巴基斯坦女孩喂水。
中文(繁體): 美國陸軍中士科爾內婭·拉奇瓦爾為一個年輕的 巴基斯坦女孩提供食水
Description |
English: U.S. Army Sergeant Kornelia Rachwal gives a young Pakistani girl a drink of water as they are airlifted from Muzaffarabad to Islamabad, Pakistan, aboard a U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook helicopter on the 19 October 2005.
Français : Le sergent Kornelia Rachwal de l' armée américaine donne de l'eau à une jeune fille pakistanaise au cours d'un voyage de Muzaffarabad à Islamabad (Pakistan) à bord d'un hélicoptère CH-47 Chinook le 19 Octobre 2005.
Date | 19 October 2005 | ||||
Source |
Author | Technical Sergeant Mike Buytas of the United States Air Force | ||||
Permission ( Reusing this file) |
Modifications for Wikipedia
- Despeckled
- Median filter 1px, faded at 50% normal
- Unsharp mask, 100%, 1.6px, 13 levels
- Curves 112 → 146
- High pass filter 60%, faded at 50% soft light
- Downsampled to 75%
- Median filter 7px, faded at 15% normal
- Unsharp mask, 260%, 0.5px, 5 levels
- Saved at 8/10 progressive 3 scans
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File usage
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