File:Scandium sublimed dendritic and 1cm3 cube.jpg

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This is a featured picture, which means that members of the community have identified it as one of the finest images on the English Wikipedia, adding significantly to its accompanying article. If you have a different image of similar quality, be sure to upload it using the proper free license tag, add it to a relevant article, and nominate it. |

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This image was selected as picture of the day on the English Wikipedia for April 12, 2012. |
DescriptionScandium sublimed dendritic and 1cm3 cube.jpg |
Deutsch: Scandium, sublimiert- dendritisch, hochrein 99,998 % Sc/TREM. Sowie für den Größenvergleich ein lichtbogengeschmolzener 1 cm3 Scandiumwürfel aus gleichem Material.
English: Scandium, sublimed- dendritic, high purity 99.998 % Sc/TREM. As well as an argon arc remelted 1 cm3 scandium cube for comparison.
Polski: Dendrytyczny, sublimowany skand o czystości 99,998 % (Sc/TREM) oraz 1 cm kostka skandu przetopionego metodą TIG
Français : Scandium sublimé- dendritiques pur à 99,998 % placé à côté d'un cube d'1cm d'arête de scandium refondu à l'arc.
Ελληνικά: Εξαχνωµένο δενδριτικό δείγµα Σκανδίου (Sc) υψηλής καθαρότητας 99,998 % Sc/TREM. Προς σύγκριση παρατίθεται κύßος Σκανδίου ακµής 1 εκατοστόµετρου επανατετηγµένος µε τόξο αργού.
Date | 13 June 2010 |
Source | Own work |
Author | Alchemist-hp ( talk) ( www.pse-mendelejew.de) |
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This photo was taken by Alchemist-hp. If you use one of my photos, an email (account needed) or a message or direct to: my email account would be greatly appreciated. |
Camera Model | Canon 5D Mark II |
Lens | Zeiss Makro-Planar T*2/100mm ZE |
Notes | made by focus stacking software from 30x single shots |
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This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Focus stack with Helicon Focus of 30 images..
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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 19 September 2010. It was captioned as follows: English: Scandium, sublimed- dendritic, high purity 99.998 % Sc/TREM. As well as an argon arc remelted 1 cm3 scandium cube for comparison.
Other languages:
Česky: Vysoce čisté (99,998 %) dendritické skandium spolu s 1cm³ krychličkou skandia vyrobenou tavením v elektrickém oblouku
Dansk: Scandium, sublimeret-dendritisk med høj renhed (99,998% Sc/TREM). Til sammenligning en 1 cm3 scandiumterning.
Deutsch: Scandium, sublimiert- dendritisch, hochrein 99,998 % Sc/TREM. Sowie für den Größenvergleich ein lichtbogengeschmolzener 1 cm3 Scandiumwürfel aus gleichem Material.
Ελληνικά: Εξαχνωµένο δενδριτικό δείγµα Σκανδίου (Sc) υψηλής καθαρότητας 99,998 % Sc/TREM. Προς σύγκριση παρατίθεται κύßος Σκανδίου ακµής 1 εκατοστόµετρου επανατετηγµένος µε τόξο αργού.
English: Scandium, sublimed- dendritic, high purity 99.998 % Sc/TREM. As well as an argon arc remelted 1 cm3 scandium cube for comparison.
Español: Escandio cristalizado (con un grado de pureza de 99,998%) y cubo de 1 cm³ para comparación.
Français : Scandium sublimé- dendritiques pur à 99,998 % placé à côté d'un cube d'1 cm d'arête de scandium refondu à l'arc.
Magyar: 99,998 %-os tisztaságú dendrites szublimált szkandium minta, mellette egy ívhegesztéssel megolvasztott 1 cm3-es szkandiumkocka
Italiano: Lo Scandio ad elevata purezza: 99.998 % Sc/TREM
日本語: 純度99.998%の スカンジウムの結晶。昇華による デンドライトである。比較のために中央に置かれている立方体は、アルゴンアーク再溶融で形成された一辺1センチメートルのスカンジウム。
Македонски: Кристали на скандиум (чистота: 99,998) со скандиумска коцка со 1 cm3 за споредба.
മലയാളം: സബ്ലൈംഡ്- ഡെൻഡ്രിറ്റിക് സ്കാൻഡിയം, ശുദ്ധി 99.998 % Sc/TREM. താരതമ്യത്തിന് ആർഗൺ ആർക് റീമെൽറ്റഡ് ഒരു ഘന സെന്റീമീറ്റർ സ്കാൻഡിയം ഘനരൂപം.
Nederlands: Scandium (Sc), gesublimeerd- dendritisch hoogzuiver (99,998%) Sc/TREM (Total Rare Earth Metal; totale hoeveelheid zeldzame aarde) met ter vergelijking een Tungsten Inert Gas-gesmolten scandiumkubus van 1 cm³ van vergelijkbaar materiaal.
Polski: Dendrytyczny, sublimowany skand o czystości 99,998 % (Sc/TREM) oraz 1 cm kostka skandu przetopionego metodą TIG
Português: Escândio cristalizado (com grau de pureza de 99,998%) e cubo de 1 cm³ para comparação.
Українська: Надчистий сублімовано- дендричний скандій (99,98 % чистоти). Для порівняння на задньому плані подано куб об'ємом 1 см³.
中文(简体): 纯度为99.998 %的 钪晶体,以及一立方厘米的钪立方体块。
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons ‘Attribution-NonCommercial-NonDerivative 3.0 (US)’ Licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Diese Datei steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons „Namensnennung-keine kommerzielle Nutzung-keine Bearbeitung 3.0 US“ Lizenz: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/deed.de |
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Copyleft: This work of art is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it according to terms of the Free Art License. You will find a specimen of this license on the Copyleft Attitude site as well as on other sites. http://artlibre.org/licence/lal/enFALFree Art Licensefalsetrue |
File usage
Image title | Scandium sublimed, dendritic |
Camera manufacturer | Canon |
Camera model | Canon EOS 5D Mark II |
Author | Heinrich Pniok |
Copyright holder |
Exposure time | 1/100 sec (0.01) |
F-number | f/7.1 |
ISO speed rating | 200 |
Date and time of data generation | 17:03, 13 June 2010 |
Lens focal length | 100 mm |
Orientation | Normal |
Horizontal resolution | 300 dpi |
Vertical resolution | 300 dpi |
Software used | Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows |
File change date and time | 03:28, 24 June 2010 |
Exif version | 2.21 |
Date and time of digitizing | 17:03, 13 June 2010 |
Meaning of each component |
Shutter speed | 6.625 |
APEX aperture | 5.625 |
Exposure bias | 0.33333333333333 |
Flash | Flash did not fire, compulsory flash suppression |
User comments | Zeiss Makro-Planar T*2/100mm ZE |
Supported Flashpix version | 0,100 |
Colour space | sRGB |
Focal plane X resolution | 3,849.2116699219 |
Focal plane Y resolution | 3,908.1418457031 |
Focal plane resolution unit | inches |
Custom image processing | Normal process |
Exposure mode | Auto exposure |
White balance | Auto white balance |
Scene capture type | Standard |
Width | 5,120 px |
Height | 3,136 px |
Pixel composition | RGB |
Number of components | 3 |
Supported Flashpix version | 1 |
Image height | 5,120 px |
Image width | 3,136 px |
Bits per component |
Date metadata was last modified | 05:28, 24 June 2010 |
Unique ID of original document | xmp.did:6395DCC6277FDF11BD699951348FCC57 |
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