
scan of photo by R. de Salis, cApril 2006, Rodolph 20:10, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
Original spelling and punctuation unedited.
- [on right] Wimbleton Aug: 25th 1737
- I am ashamed to have been so long with out
- thanking you, my Dear lady Hane, for your very
- kind leter from florance dated the 10th of Sep: 1736,
- but besides the intolarable load of business that
- I have upon me, upon account of my family who
- are with out experience & love nothing but pleasure,
- I am never well, nor can I ever hope to have the
- use of my limbs more, but at this time I can make
- a shift to write with a very weak hand. I am
- extream sorry you can give me no better an account
- then you do of your helth, & that your pains are so
- bad, & that you are not mended as to your speech,
- but I am sure nobody can express them selves
- better than you have in your leter, you mention coming
- to England, but you don't name the time, but I
- hope I shall live to see you again & I will live
- & dye Dear lady Hanes most faithfull friend &
- oblidged humble servant S. Marlborough
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