Khan Academy on a Stick
Quadratics functions and equations
In this topic, we'll analyze, graph and solve quadratic equations.
Example 1: Solving a quadratic equation by factoring
ccU09_L2_T2_we1 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring.avi
Example 2: Solving a quadratic equation by factoring
ccU09_L2_T2_we2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring 2.avi
Example 3: Solving a quadratic equation by factoring
ccU09_L2_T2_we3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring 3.avi
Example 4: Solving a quadratic equation by factoring
ccApplications Problem Factoring Quadratics
Solving quadratics by factoring
Just saying the word "quadratic" will make you feel smart and powerful. Try it. Imagine how smart and powerful you would actually be if you know what a quadratic is. Even better, imagine being able to completely dominate these "quadratics" with new found powers of factorization. Well, dream no longer. This tutorial will be super fun. Just bring to it your equation solving skills, your ability to multiply binomials and a non-linear way of thinking!
Solving Quadratic Equations by Square Roots
ccSolving Quadratic Equations by Square Roots
Example: Solving simple quadratic
ccSimple Quadratic Equation
Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
ccSolving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
Completing the square (old school)
ccSolving a quadratic by completing the square.
Example: Completing perfect square trinomials
ccCompleting Perfect Square Trinomials
Example 1: Completing the square
ccU10_L1_T2_we1 Completing the Square 1
Example 2: Completing the square
ccU10_L1_T2_we2 Completing the Square 2
Example 3: Completing the square
ccU10_L1_T2_we3 Completing the Square 3
Example 4: Completing the square
ccCompleting the Square 4
Example 5: Completing the square
ccCompleting the Square to Solve Quadratic Equations
Completing the square
You're already familiar with factoring quadratics, but have begun to realize that it only is useful in certain cases. Well, this tutorial will introduce you to something far more powerful and general. Even better, it is the bridge to understanding and proving the famous quadratic formula. Welcome to the world of completing the square!
How to use the Quadratic Formula
ccIntroduction to using the quadratic formula.
Example: Quadratics in standard form
ccQuadratic Equations in Standard Form
Proof of Quadratic Formula
ccProof of Quadratic Formula
Example 1: Using the quadratic formula
ccQuadratic Formula 1
Example 2: Using the quadratic formula
ccQuadratic Formula 2
Example 3: Using the quadratic formula
ccQuadratic Formula 3
Example 4: Applying the quadratic formula
ccApplication Problem with Quadratic Formula
Example 5: Using the quadratic formula
ccApplying the Quadratic Formula
Example: Complex roots for a quadratic
ccComplex Roots from the Quadratic Formula
Discriminant of Quadratic Equations
ccDiscriminant of Quadratic Equations
Discriminant for Types of Solutions for a Quadratic
ccDiscriminant for Types of Solutions for a Quadratic
The quadratic formula (quadratic equation)
Probably one of the most famous tools in mathematics, the quadratic formula (a.k.a. quadratic equation) helps you think about the roots of ANY quadratic (even ones that have no real roots)! As you'll see, it is just the by-product of completing the square, but understanding and applying the formula will take your algebra skills to new heights. In theory, one could apply the quadratic formula in a brainless way without understanding factoring or completing the square, but that's lame and uninteresting. We recommend coming to this tutorial with a solid background in both of those techniques. Have fun!
Graphing a parabola with a table of values
Graphing a parabola with a table of values
Parabola vertex and axis of symmetry
ccParabola vertex and axis of symmetry
Graphing a parabola by finding the roots and vertex
ccGraphing a parabola by finding the roots and vertex
Finding the vertex of a parabola example
Multiple examples graphing parabolas using roots and vertices
ccMultiple examples graphing parabolas using roots and vertices
Graphing a parabola using roots and vertex
Graphing a parabola in vertex form
Parabola Focus and Directrix 1
ccParabola as the locus of all points equidistant from a point and a line
Focus and Directrix of a Parabola 2
ccFinding the focus and directrix of a parabola
Using the focus and directrix to find the equation of a parabola
Graphing quadratics
Tired of lines? Not sure if a parabola is a disease of the gut or a new mode of transportation? Ever wondered what would happen to the graph of a function if you stuck an x² someplace? Well, look no further. In this tutorial, we will study the graphs of quadratic functions (parabolas), including their foci and whatever the plural of directrix is.
Quadratic Inequalities
ccSolving quadratic inequalities using factoring
Quadratic Inequalities (Visual Explanation)
ccHow to solve a quadratic inequality. Visual intuition of what a quadratic inequality means.
Quadratic inequalities
You are familiar with factoring quadratic expressions and solving quadratic equations. Well, as you might guess, not everything in life has to be equal. In this short tutorial we will look at quadratic inequalities.
Solving a quadratic by factoring
ccfactoring quadratics
CA Algebra I: Factoring Quadratics
cc44-47, factoring quadratics
Algebra II: Quadratics and Shifts
cc32-35, Solving quadratics and graph shifts
Examples: Graphing and interpreting quadratics
cc36-38, shifting quadratic graphs and finding x-intercepts (roots)
CA Algebra I: Completing the Square
cc48-52, completing the square
Introduction to the quadratic equation
ccIntroduction to using the quadratic equation to solve 2nd degree polynomial equations
Quadratic Equation part 2
cc2 more examples of solving equations using the quadratic equation
Quadratic Formula (proof)
ccDeriving the quadratic formula by completing the square.
CA Algebra I: Quadratic Equation
cc53-57, Quadratic Equation
CA Algebra I: Quadratic Roots
cc58-62, x-intercepts of a quadratic function
Quadratic odds and ends
This tutorial has a bunch of extra, but random, videos on quadratics. A completely optional tutorial that you may or may not want to look at. If you do, watch it last. There are some Sal oldies here and some random examples.